Now that is a fall leaf!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! i hope you have had an awesome birthday! i sent you a card and letter, hopefully it is arriving today. i messed up and sent it late, i was hoping it would make it for saturday, but anyway, i hope it was a good day for you. that sucks you couldn't get anything hunting, hopefully this week you bring home the bucks. there is an elder in my district, elder c, who found a little two point antler in the woods and it is tiny so he keeps it tied to his backpack. he likes to pick up the dead squirels and road kill (which is absolutely everywhere!) and he tans the hides and keeps them . he is hilarious hahaha. that is awesome about all those games! i look forward to watching them when i get home, and hunting too. i had a decent week this week. i went on exchanges with my ZL, elder taylor, who is an awesome elder! we got RD to come to church this week! and he shared in sunday school and offered to say the closing prayer! it was awesome! and that lady that walked in last week and said she needs a new church came back and wants the lessons! it was sick! so we will be meeting up with her this week, and RD too. as usual, i will talk more in the general email about that stuff. this week i have been really praying for the pure love of christ, and i received it. and it is painful. it now hurts me to see people talking about their problems, but knowing that i can help them and they won't let me, it tears you apart. you feel a genuine love for them but they act like they hate you. it hurts hahaha. now i know why you cried so hard when me and jake left. i love the mission though, it is hard, but very rewarding! it is changing me into a man that i want to become. it is an amazing thing. thank you for all the updates again! and have a great week hunting and such! I love you dad! have a great week!
-elder sedlacek
Hi mom! i have had a decent week this week. it went by kind of slow at first but then sped up. this week we had exchanges with the zls from norwood, and i got to take over the area. fun. it was hard to take over, but i did it with my zl's help, E. Taylor. he is an awesome missionary! we had the best day of the week with him! it was awesome! he likes running so we biked over to the track at 5:45 a.m., and i ran 4 miles in 32 mins without even thinking about it! i am still in shape hahaha. then we 225'd and visited some other people. we visited with Bro. P and then we saw RD. he is thinking about baptism, and wants to continue to come to church after this first week that he went. it was awesome! that new lady that came in last week and said she needs a new church wants to take the lessons. so we will be getting in contact with her. sadly, we have not been able to contact many of those 8 from last week. they won't answer phone calls and such and we did not get addresses, so we are just going to have to keep trying. we didn't find too many this week unfortunately. but there is always a next week! we should be able to teach J**** again this week, which i am looking forward to! he is finally back from vacation and we are going to be contacting him asap.
other than that, it was an average week. that is so awesome about you getting a prompting to help someone! one of the things i have learned while here on a mission, is to always listen to promptings, they may not make sense but that is okay, we just need to follow them, and if we do we will be blessed. it is a win-win situation.
i have 4 boxes of sites and 3 boxes of cartridges, so i should be fine for a while longer. i will let you know when i need more, just keep reminding me to check though hahah.
something that i have really been working on is feeling the pure love of christ. i have been really praying to receive that gift since there is no other way to receive it other than having it bestowed upon us or praying for it. i received it and it hurts. it is painful because it now hurts me to see people talking about their problems and knowing that i can help them and they won't let me, it tears you apart. you feel a genuine love for them and they act like they hate you. it is a great blessing though. it helps you teach more effectively and become a better missionary and a better person. but yeah anyway, it has been a pretty good week with those things hahaha
this week we get to go to the louisville temple again with the zone! i am excited! i have been studying up on the temple and stuff to get ready. and it is getting cold here, but it is strange because it does go right through you if you let it. i will be needing thermals here in the future, and i have not used the coat yet, i want to try and get used to the cold, like i used to do at home. i saw that it has been in the 70's this week at home, you luckys. the humidity makes a huge difference when it is cold hahaha it really is going to be a bone chilling cold hahahaha.
i have to go now, I love you mom! and all the rest of the family! love you all! have a great week!
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