hey Dad, it has been a good week. we did not really find
many new people to teach, but we were able to have some good experiences. there
is not a whole lot new with the investigators, which is the sad part. T** has
been busy, but we finally got back in contact with him last night, so that was good.
his work has taken over his schedule. A has been avoiding us for
sure. i'm not sure what happened, but we will try to see if we can get in contact with
him again. it's always tough when that happens. T couldn't meet
this week, but hopefully she will be able to in the next few days. as for T***, the less-active member we've been working with, we had some pretty powerful lessons with him this week. i think he is right on the
fence about coming to church though, because he struggles to get there. we are re-going
over the missionary lessons with him and we taught the plan of salvation and the
impression came to me to relate it to boot camp hahaha, so we had a good lesson in
that way, like earth life is like boot camp, where we get to try our
hand at what kind of soldier we will be in God's army. it gave me some new
insights on the plan. we were able to meet with SD, but as with all
the 'gators right now, he is struggling to come to church. he did read out of
the Book of Mormon though, so there is some progress there. The part-member family we're working with did make it to church, so that was super awesome. we had some good lessons with the mom, and we just need to help her with a few concerns. we were also able to get back in contact with another family that wants to start coming back to church, so we will be
teaching their kids soon.
i really like what you said about starting off your
day and week just trying to listen to the Spirit, that is something that President Welch is having us focus on, by reading the Book of Mormon again by the end of the year. it has really helped me to feel the Spirit more. it truly is the Spirit that
helps us with everything, not just gaining knowledge, but with every aspect of
our lives. that is so true about feeling it, rather than hearing it, a lot more
often. i find myself receiving very subtle promptings and i barely recognize
it, but when i don't listen to them, it always comes back to me, and it is
usually for the most obscure thing, like, "hey, maybe you should grab this right
now and take it with you," and then bam! i need that thing later. the Spirit is
such a great help and we really can become a tool in the Lord's hands when we
listen to it promptly.
that is super cool that Seth is leaving on his mission,
he will do great. i am excited to get into family history when i get home, that
will be awesome. that is super cool that all the Utah teams played well. and that is
great for the Utes' win. hahah
there is a member in our ward that just loves me and Elder Nelson, he is a
young guy who graduated from USU and he heard that we are both going there and
was like "yes!" he did mechanical engineering as well. that general conference thought is a
good one, thanks for sharing. i find that it is the most testimony strengthening
thing to share the gospel. i always, without fail, come out happier from a
lesson then when i went in,
the Spirit comes to testify in such a way that brings so much joy to my life. the gospel is meant to bring us a greater sense of joy. that is why the members
out here love to have missionaries over, so that they too can feel of the
spirit of missionary work. there is no greater call than to share the gospel. i
know that as all of you try to be the example to those around you, that you too
can see the joy of missionary work. not just missionaries can feel it, but you do have to share it to feel it. do your best to share your testimony through
thought, word and deed, and pray for missionary experiences with the intent
to act and they will come. thanks for all you do Dad, I love you too. have a
great week, talk to you later!
-Elder Sedlacek
hey Mom, it has been a pretty good week. i wrote all about
the 'gators in Dad's email as usual. i could use the test strips soon, but not sure about
anything else.
we had a really good Zone conference this week, and i had some good
questions get answers, and a new thing that i am working on right now. President Welch no longer wants anyone to get up early to do extra exercise anymore, so that was
tough news for me hahaha. and we can't do any working out before bed anymore, either. i guess a lot of people were doing that (me included, as you can probably
guess) so that was something that hit home, because that is what i love to do, as you know. i know that was for a reason, because i have noticed that instead
of the extra exercise before bed, i can now spend more time doing better things, like
writing a little more in my journal hahaha. that really strengthened my
testimony that the Lord WILL show us our next steps, even if we don't want to
take them, but i have already seen the blessings for being obedient.
we got to meet
with a bunch of people this week who have been tough to meet with, so that was
super cool. although we did not find as many people as we would have
liked, i know the Lord sees our efforts. it seems some days like we work so
hard for nothing, but i know that there are people out there who may not
accept the gospel now, but they will later. all we can do is give them a chance. i love
being able to contact as many people as i can, it helps me to feel the spirit
of missionary work burn a little brighter.
that is awesome that Seth is leaving
on his mission, he will do really well. that is crazy that Trump won, i was
half hoping he would, because he can at least make a business decision hahaha.
that is a good campground, that will be fun to be there for girls' camp. BTW, are we going camping
or anything when i get back? just curious hahaha.
that is good that your knee
is doing so much better, that is awesome. funny you talk about TVs burning up, and raking leaves. so a little back story on the pictures I sent: the lady that is on the Mormon Message, "Refiners Fire" is in the ward here. we help her and her teenage
son with some service sometimes, they live in the middle of
nowhere hahaha. we were helping them rake some leaves on Saturday and her son
was mowing them up with the riding mower. he had just finished the last pile
when i looked over at the mower, and it was sitting at just the right angle to me
so i could see flames under the hood, so i yelled and he jumped off, and then the mower
burst into flames! it was crazy! we called a fire truck and they came
out and put it out, but hey, we got lots of footage hahaha. i am putting the
video on the Google drive so you can watch it on your account. luckily, they were already planning on buying a new one.
some members took us to dinner this week at a restaurant that happened to have a magician in
the house. he tied a gorilla balloon for me and did some really cool tricks.
yep, what Skyler talked about has to become second nature, and it is imperitive
that you do ask for phones to be shut off before teaching hahaha. the Spirit is the real teacher, missionaries are just there to create an environment that the Spirit can
come into and teach everyone present. not just the investigator should be learning,
the Spirit has also taught me so much! i know for a fact that as we
listen to the promptings of the Spirit we will be able to be an instrament in the Lord's hands. that is the greatest gift i have been given in serving a mission,
it is a wonderful opportunity. thanks so much for all the support and prayers
you send my way!
oh Mom, i figured out i want
some more blades for my razor for Christmas, it's the Gillette Fusion Pro-Glide
well, got to go now Mom, i hope work is going well. enjoy the
pics i sent! i love you Mom! talk to you later!
-Elder Sedlacek
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