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The rainbow of ties Elder Sed has collected so far. He needs to change the year on his camera :) |
Hey Mama,
C***** is still doing amazing. She is all set for baptism on the 14th and super excited for it, too. Last night it was kinda cool at her interview. Her dad came to the church and signed the record so she could get baptized, but the cool part about it was that he did it even though he isn't at all interested for himself at the moment. He did say how proud he was of her for making a decision that is going to make her happy. He has noticed a huge change for the better in her at home, so I think he will come around sooner or later. It's going to be so cool when he does!
I also had a pretty cool thought this week. I was reading in Ether ch 13, and came across a really simple verse, but it caught my eye because I have seemed to be focusing on sacrifice this week for some reason. It was v. 16 that originally caught my eye. It's about Coriantumr and how he had spent all his life studying war. Imagine how much love he had to have had for war to to spend all that time studying about it. Pretty much his life to that point. Ether then comes along and tells him the Lord wants him to repent and change completely away from war. I was just thinking of myself in Coriantumr's shoes. The Lord is always going to ask sacrifice of His children. That's the way it has always been. Later on in the chapters, Coriantumr almost repents and changes TWICE. I just thought that was interesting. Hopefully what I am saying makes sense.
Mama: Yay! It's working today! I am really happy about that!
Well, if I had to guess, and you are getting transferred, I'd say you are
going to Prosser. But maybe you are staying put! :)
That's cool about your sacrifice thought. I like that, and it's true for
Elder Sed: Wha hooo. Prosser! wow haha. talk about the middle of nowhere
haha. Good thing I am staying in here with Elder R! I
was super happy to hear that. I will get to be here for C's baptism! I am
super pumped for that. How you doing today?
Mama: I am doing good today. I ran a couple of errands already, and then I have a
webinar for work. Some new writing project they want to introduce so I will get
on and see about it. Then I get to go “see” how my eyes are doing lately. (How
was my “dad” joke? haha) My progressive lenses don’t work anymore...the contacts
not at all, and my glasses I have to take off to read up close. So we shall see. ;)
Elder Sed: Hey that's good. You're going to be able to see again. Yeah, I did like
your dad joke haha. Sounds like you need some new glasses haha.
Mama: So here’s a couple of questions for you: What was your biggest challenge this week? What was your most faith-promoting experience?
Elder Sed: Questions for me huh? haha. I can try to answer them. My biggest challenge
this week. Hmm. That's a tough question. Every day has it's challenges, but
probably the biggest challenge for me is worrying about my investigators all the time and
what I can do to help them the most. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of thinking
to get the answer that I need, to help them the most.
My faith
promoting experience? Finding a new investigator who was on date. I had been
praying for a long time to find new investigators who are prepared for the
gospel. I still pray for that everyday, but it's nice to see HF answer my
Mama: Okay, great job. :) Two
more: Who was your favorite person this week? Why?
What is your #1 goal this week?
Elder Sed: why all these questions haha? Fave person this week? I don't have a
clue haha. My mom. She's awesome! My #1 goal is always do my best. Make
the most of the time I have to serve the Lord. Teach and baptize is always good
too ;)
Mama: The questions were just for fun. To get a closer look inside my son’s mission
brain haha. Thanks for answering them. I’m glad I’m your favorite!
Elder Sed: I have to get going, Mom. I am happy email worked out today. You will have to let
me know when you hear something back from USU. Thanks for all that you do for
me. You're seriously the best. Keep being awesome! I'm super happy to be serving
a mission. It's been so fun and every day is still fun. I love it! Love this
gospel. Love you guys too!
Talk to you later!
What's up Dad,
That was weird last week how it took so
long for my emails to get to you guys. I wouldn't think it would take that
Love you all! You're awesome!
-Elder Sedlacek
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